How to get cryptocurrency without investing !!

How to get cryptocurrency without investing !!

how to get hold of some cryptocurrencies without throwing down some money . Do you think there are any other ways?

Yes there is many think to get hold some cryptocurrencies for exemple AirDrop.

What is Airdrop ?

Airdrop means a coin or token is distributed to the community for free or for small tasks. This is done to ensure early distribution and to have as many people with “skin in the game” as possible.

It’s a free coins or token ,distributed for free by devloper of the coin, will give people according to his set preferences could be members of this forum with junior rank and higher I already participate in 6 airdrop and made a good profit from those coins ,it’s the easiest way to build community,because everybody here loves free coins. and to join at this airdrop you must have :

1- Account in Telegram Messenger.

2- Account in a Ethereum wallet

Some Airdrop :

EGGtokens :

VendiCoins :

SwiftDemand :